Dr Fred Olaifa FB FredOlaifa@facebook.com

Sunday 20 November 2016

Baba Festiver

Orunmila is an Orisha. He is the great benefactor of the humanity and his main advisor. He reveals the future through the secrets of Ifa, the supreme oracle. He is also a great healer, and those who ignores his advices can undergo the ups and downs produced by Eshu.
Orunmila represents the wisdom, the intelligence, and the cleverness that can superpose the badly. When Oloddumare created the Universe, Orunmila was there like witness. It is why it knows the destiny to everything what exists. That is also why he is called the eleri-ipin ibikeji Olodurmare (Witness of all the creation and the second in charge after Olodumare).Adura yin agbaa

Thursday 10 November 2016

Idin gbègbèngbè is the Awo of Idin gbègbèngbè
Orisa, please lift me up cannot be higher than being placed on a horse
The Awo of Ori was the one who cast Ifa for Ori
When he was living a lonely life
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ori please, come and support me
Just as Egbe leaves support the ground
When the fowl cackles
It is its chicks that it summons to her side,(Ogereji-mogbo
He cast Ifa for the inhabitants of the town where longevity is assured
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Before long, not far
Come join us where we enjoy long life
Ogereji-mogbo you are truly a good Awo
One cannot cast Idin-Gbe and then die prematurely
Ogereji-mogbo you are truly a competent Awo,,you can also check on website,,drfredolaifa

Friday 4 November 2016

Egun Baba Olaifa

Idin lift me up and let me support you
‘Orisa, please lift me up’ cannot be better than being placed on a horse
This was the message of Ifa to Ibikunle
The one who was well established
And would also use the establishment to maintain his father’s house
Gradually the establishment of a market founder will be well populated and extended beyond the boundary
The snail never builds its house without filling it up
It is not the portion of the tortoise to build its house without filling it up
Alligator pepper is not in the habit of building its house without filling it up
Kola nut cannot build its house without filling it up
Bitter kola too never builds its house without filling it up
Odo, the mortar, is it that authorizes all good things of life to surround and stay with me
And the grinding stone is it that authorizes that when all these good things of life surrounds me
They must not depart from me at any time
Adosusu leaves will never live a life of loneliness
Gradually the establishment of a market founder will be well populated and extended beyond the boundary